Chippewa Publishing Closed in 2007
For several years this was the official website for Chippewa Publishing which aimed its books directly at the ebooks marketplace.
In 2007 they closed due to a family emergency. Although authors were promised that all rights to their works would be returned so they could search for another publisher, problems ensued with some writers never receiving monies owed them.
Content is from the site's 2005 -2006 archived pages when times were better for all concerned.
Chippewa Publishing LLC, Catching Your Dreams of Fiction.
Imagine, you are sitting at the dentist's office waiting for your child to get a cavity filled. You are right in the middle of a story that you could have brought with you, but you didn't because the book was too big to carry. What will you do? Read a magazine that you read last month?
NO! You will whip out your trusty handheld device and click on one of the titles available, because you know you have four or five books stored on that gadget.
Oops, the dentist wants to schedule another appointment. Do you fiddle around with the objects in your purse to find your calendar and drop a few hundred items on the groun?
NO! Your calendar is conveniently stored on the same device as your ebooks! Just one click of a button and you are looking at your calendar. When he finishes, you are ready to read some more or head on to your next appointment.
eBooks are becoming more and more popular as the computers and handheld devices become popular. As eBooks are easy to read and store, people are buying them more frequently. Chippewa Publishing is at the beginning of the eBook era and we want to make your eBook stay more comfortable.
We currently offer our ebooks in the following formats:
- Adobe PDF
- Microsoft .LIT
- Palm PDB
New ways to read files are becoming available all the time and as technology grows, so will the need to adapt.
What's New Here?
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Welcome to Chippewa Publishing, the place to download ebooks of fiction for all genres!
Our books available in Adobe PDF format and HTML. For information on reading ebooks, see the information block to your left.
In the future we will add other types of readers for your reading pleasure.
If you would like to submit a novella of 10,000 to 50,000 words, please click here. We are also accepting submissions for two vampire anothologies, one of horror and one of adult romance. If you are interested in submitting a short story for the vampire anthology, please click here.
Buy a Book Today!
Terri Pray ![]() Family Heirloom $2.00 |
L.E. Wolfe ![]() GRANDMASTERS $2.00 |
Melissa Swaim ![]() Release Me $3.00 |
ISBN 1-933400-07-2
March 2005
Reviewer for Coffee Time Romance *****
Vieve sees mysterious creatures that she suspects are monsters in her bedroom. When she tells her mother, her mother only says there are no such things. Thus begins a journey for Vieve. The creatures become a part of her life, following her everywhere. As she grows older, she trains herself to watch for others. A white van and men dressed in black always follow her. One man in particular, Martin, gives her a heated rush setting her insides on fire. Is he the man who can finally release her from the demons and set her free, or will he be her downfall?
Martin dresses in black and comes to the deli to keep an eye on Vieve. He is a strange man who scouts out those that need to be taken care of, so to speak. Aliens need to be stomped out, and he has a duty to ensure safety. One thing is certain, he enjoys keeping an eye on Vieve, but is he really who he claims to be or an alien himself?
I got goose bumps whenever I read Men in Black, and Gathering a Lantern. I could almost imagine a presence in the room. Each time that Vieve would encounter the white van, I felt her panic. Whenever her thoughts were centered on Martin, I kept wishing they would get together and things would work out for her.
Ms. Swaim writes with a flare taking you inside her thoughts and right into the story. It is like you experience the same thing as it happens to the characters in the book. This story almost had a life-like feeling, putting you right in the center of the action. It is a book that will make you think. A top-notch, fast-paced book that I could not put down.
Perspective: When Chippewa Publishing LLC ceased publishing I was concerned about what would happen to the authors. It's a shame some were not paid. However, one of my favorite authors, Melissa Swaim, did end up at another publisher, ArcheBooks Publishing. She has continued writing. Unfortunately most of her books are not available to download and/or are no longer available. In 2006 when The Finity Case was published I bought a hardcopy of it for my mother who was quitting alcohol, or at least attempting to. On her rough days I would come over and read to her. Melissa Swaim crafted a complex plot and story line in The Finity Case. She develops some amazing characters, and keeps the reader moving from one conflict to the next. My mother was soon involved, personally, eager to find resolution for young Finity. This was good since she wouldn't be thinking about how she could finagle her next drink.
For those who are not familiar with the plot line:
Finity suffered a form of autism since early childhood. Although she is high functioning, she shows signs of Asperser syndrome considered more mild than other levels of disabilities on the autism spectrum. Autism is a developmental disorder which leaves the person with persistent difficulties with social communication and social interaction and restricted and repetitive patterns of behaviours, or activities. Swaim has woven the theme of autism throughout the story. She has subtly introduced the reader to the inner feelings of the autistic. She also gives insight into the emotions of family and friends who are drawn into an effort to understand and protect Finity. This is beautifully done and opens the reader to a whole new understanding of autism. Swaim creates a desire, in the reader, to know more of this developmental disorder.
The author used both first and third person voices to relate the narrative. This approach allows her to develop her characters showing a tenderness and warmth, creating empathy for some, while alternately revealing an ugliness and cruelty in others.
Although my mother was going through a stressful period in her life that effected everyone in the family, I do have warm memories of the time I spent with her reading Melissa Swaim's books.
New Products For November 2005
Dark Fantasy |
Enter a world where anything is possible. Vampires, werewolves, spirits, and the supernatural are an everyday delight in our world of Dark Fantasy. |
Rebecca K. Rhodes ![]() Alexandru: A Vampire's Legacy Lives On $5.00 |
Terri Lynn Coop ![]() Chrysalis $2.00 |
S.K. Sebastian ![]() Dark Heart $5.00 |
Submission Guidelines
We are accepting the following genres:
- Contemporary (Adult, General, Young Adult)
- Dark Romance (Adult, General)
- Horror (Adult, General, Young Adult)
- Mainstream (Adult, General, Young Adult)
- Mystery (Adult, General, Young Adult)
- Romance (Adult, General, Young Adult)
- Erotic Romance (Adult)
- Science Fiction (Adult, General, Young Adult)
- Suspense (Adult, General, Young Adult)
- Thriller (Adult, General, Young Adult)
- Non-Fiction. Please stay tuned for our non-fiction imprint.
We believe the future of literature belongs in electronic format. This is why we focus primarily on ePublishing. We will be releasing novellas, anthologies, and novels in print in early 2006. Even though many of our best sellers will be available in print, we will still continue to focus on the ePublishing business.
If you would like your book in print, please state this in your cover letter. Although we do take the time to market your manuscript and make sure people know about it by putting out press releases, ads, and making available at major distribution channels, we expect our authors to spread the word as well. Authors who participate in marketing some how will be more likely to receive a print contract.
Hints on Getting Published
The tips below will help you in your quest for publication. It will not guarantee manuscript acceptance, but it will help:
- Spell check all your work!
- Do not use passive voice. An example of passive voice is:
- The paper had been signed by Joe.
- Joe signed the paper.
- Avoid words such as that and was. These words can usually be eliminated by removing the word or restructuring the sentence.
- Make your story interesting. Do not be afraid to add blood and guts or sexy scenes. For our adult stories, we take anything from light, sensual romance to the extreme as long as there are no scenes involving the no-no's below.
- Do not make your work too clinical! Be accurate, but use words and phrases to arouse or shock, not to pass an exam.
- Do your homework. Research your topic.
- Do not expect our editors to rewrite the story for you.
- Write in first or third person. We will not consider books in second person.
- Please do not overuse adjectives and adverbs! Find another way to work the sentence. "She kissed him passionately" would be much more interesting as "She pressed her full lips against his in a passionate fever." Be creative! Show, don't tell.
- Hook the reader immediately. If the first three chapters in your submission do not capture our editors, we will not read the whole manuscript.
- Build your characters with the story. Do not tell us everything at once but do not hide critical information about your characters.
- Do not use alot. Alot is not a word. Use a lot.
- Do not confuse its with it is.
- Avoid using the words and and but at the beginning of a sentence unless personalizing a character with dialog or there is a need to emphasize an area of the text.
- Thoughts are italicized as are psychic thoughts. Do not quote psychic thoughts.
- Find a critique group of people you trust.
- IMPORTANT: Add the following information to your manuscript:
- Your name
- Your pen name
- Word count
- Genre (see catalog for details).
- Sub-genre (see above)
- Rating (adult, general, young adult)
- Your email address
- Your physical address and phone number
- The best way to learn about our style is to purchase a copy of a book in your genre. When purchasing, be sure to look at the date the book was posted as our style may evolve over time.
When you receive an answer from our Editors, take the information seriously. It is possible we will accept your manuscript with a few changes.
Novellas and Novels
Royalties: Authors receive 40% of NET for ebooks and 15% NET for printed materials for single titles. Anthologies differ with the amount of authors.
We hold exclusive rights to the novella and novels in contracted format for 5 years and after 5 years we will then either work out an agreement to continue the rights or give the rights back to the author.
Most of our distributor channels such as and purchase our products at 50% wholesale cost. For ebooks, we pay our authors 40% based on the net cost of these channels when a copy of the ebook is purchased. For print books we pay 15% based on earnings received.
We currently resell works of over 5,000 words or more to:
- fictionwise
Short Stories
Our new line of short stories from 5,000 words to 9,999 are paid a 20 to 30% royalty on all stories. We hold 3 year rights to the stories. If you are considering publication of the short story to a magazine or anthology, talk to us, as we may be willing to work with you on non-exclusive publication.
We assign an editor to each author. Our editors do not re-write the story for the author. Our editors will point out when the story does not flow appropriately but will not rewrite the story to make it flow. This is the job of the author. Please do not ask our editors to do so.
We do market our website through various channels including popular websites, our books, and other forms of media. Word of mouth advertising through people who love our stories is also a very popular advertising method. We hold author chats in various forums, contests to draw in readers, press releases, and we have plans to someday advertise our site with magazines and other forms mass media. We also rely on our authors, and the author's agents if applicable, to assist with their own publicity. There are untapped markets everywhere and we cannot possibly cover all of them.
If an author does not have a website, we will post a website for the author with the address of We will also allow the author to obtain a website with their own domain name. Please contact us for details.
Sending Your Submission
Please use the following guidelines to format your manuscript for submission:
- On your manuscript do not forget:
- your name
- your email
- your address
- your phone number
- the word count
- the genre and subgenre
- the rating
- Please save your document as an rich-text format (RTF) only. We will not accept any other format. Straight Microsoft Word documents can carry viruses and harmful macros. Please do not send .doc formats.
- Use a 12 point, Times New Roman font
- Use single spacing
- Do not space between paragraphs
- Set your left tab to an indent of .3 (see your word processor manual for details.)
- Left justify your margins
- Use only 1 space after punctuation
- Use chapters for major breaks
- Use four centered asterisks for subchapter breaks ie: * * * *
- Do not type in all capitals.
- Edit and review your work before submission, please
- Use your spell checker, please
- Stories with errors of spelling, grammar, or plot will not be accepted. Make sure you know your story, characters, and theme.
- We do not accept simultaneous submissions. If your work is already out for review to another publisher, please do not send to us until you receive a response from that publisher. In turn, please do not send your manuscript to another publisher while it is under consideration through Chippewa Publishing. We ask all authors to use a specific Microsoft Word or OpenOffice template for materials.
- Please include the word count, your name and mailing address that you would like to see on your contract, your pen name, the story title, and the genre in the upper right hand corner of the manuscript.
- If your book has been published elsewhere in any other format, you must let us know in your submission. Any stories where another publisher owns the rights will not be accepted unless electronic rights are available. Proof of this information will be required. Thank you.
Please do not send a paper hard copy or a floppy disk. We only accept email submissions. Hard copies are returned unopened.
Please send us a the following:
- A cover letter in the body of the email
- The full manuscript in RTF format.
- A synopsis as an RTF attachment
Please check for viruses before sending attachments. We check for viruses, but the anti-virus program is only as good as the latest known virus.
We will get back to you within twelve weeks with a confirmation. If you do not hear back from us within twelve weeks, please send nice email stating that you have not received a response.
Remember, Chippewa Publishing does not charge for publication and every author is assigned an editor and an artist. We are not a vanity press.
If you have sent your manuscript elsewhere and it is approved, please tell us immediately! We know how difficult it is to wait for an answer so we try to be fast as a favor to you. Please return the favor and be honest with us. Let us know if you will be submitting the work to other publishers and let us know if a publisher beats us to your work. If we have accepted your work and contracts have been signed, please stop submitting the work and do not take another offer.
When we approve your manuscript, we will then send you a contract to sign via email. Electronic filing is prefered; however, to sign the old-fashioned way, print two copies of the contract, sign both, and send both copies back to Chippewa Publishing LLC. Let us know immediately when you send the contract in the mail so we have an approximate time of when it will arrive.
With your signed contracts you will receive information on how to login to our internal secure server. Chippewa does not use insecure forms of data transmission such as mail lists or other means. We appreciate if the authors use our editing system to get ready for publication. If the author is physically unable to use the system, we will work with the author through other methods.
We expect our authors to follow the editing guidelines and timeline as we will follow our timeline to make your publishing experience the best in the business.
email the manuscript to chippewapub @ mac . com (remove the spaces). Be sure to put your manuscript title and your name in the subject. This makes your work easier to find
Try to name the manuscript file with your last name first, and the first few words of the beginning of the title. For example:
Author: Ella Scopilo and title "Of Elves and Vampires: Trinity's Mark would be
Please note that submissions that do not follow the format above will not be accepted.
We DO NOT accept the following:
- Rape or incest (Is NOT allowed if used to arouse the reader. It can occur in characters past/present if not written with graphic details. Villians may commit rape to show malicious intent, but it cannot be graphic in details or written to arouse, and it must NOT be a main feature of the story.)
- pedophilia. If we receive this type of story, we will contact the authories.
- snuff
- necrophilia (undead excluded)
- bestiality (Aliens, shapeshifters, paranormal creatures excluded)
- scat/golden showers
By following our guidelines your submission will not be lost in the system or added to the slush pile. You wouldn't believe how many manuscripts we receive without the author's name or email address. How can we get back to you if you do not provide the right information?
Thank you
All of our downloadable ebooks do not have a shipping or handling fee. Once your payment is confirmed, you will be sent a link to download your eBook. You can always come back to your account later to confirm the process if you have not yet received an email from us about your download. If payment was delivered immediately, you will have a download link on your receipt page. To access your account and download a file:
- Login to your acount using the login form or login link.
- Under the "My Account Info" box, click on "View My Order History".
- Find the order you are looking for and click on the View button.
- Down toward the bottom of the page, click on the blue Download button.
If the process above does not work, we will be happy to send the file to you. Simply email us with a copy of your credit card receipt or PayPal receipt and explain the problem. We will then send you a copy of the ebook by email. Please do not send your credit card number via email as this is very insecure.
CD Orders eBooks and audiobooks on CD will be shipped within four days of the initial order.
Paperback and Hardcover books
Paperback and hardcover books will be shipped from the location of the distributor. These items do not ship directly from Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin unless they are in stock at our bookstore.
As it is impossible to return an electronic product, Chippewa Publishing does not offer refunds on ebooks or audiobooks. All sales are final. If you are experiencing a problem with a download, please try to download the file again. If the download does not work, please send us an email at and we will assist you with a new download. Please have ready your machine type, your operating system type and version, and your reader software type and version.
Customer Service
If you have a problem with a download or have a question, please contact the customer service department at We will be more than happy to assist you with the problem you are having. Please note that although our customer service department is always reading or browsing on the Internet, it may take up to 24 business hours to return your email.
Format Exchanges
We do not offer format exchanges on our products. An ebook format is similar to a hardcover or paperback. Catalogs generally do not take exchanges on paperback or hardcover books.
We accept both PayPal and Visa/MasterCard. PayPal downloads are available the moment the PayPal clears, this can be immediate or within three to four days.
Credit card orders are processed manually on the day they are received. Why do we process them manually? For your protection! We secure our servers so no one can grab your data and we check to make sure your information is accurate so the possiblity of someone using your card without your permission is difficult to do. We also like to check the birthdates of people purchasing the adult materials. Kids can now own credit cards and we prefer to not sell adult titles to children.
Thank you.